Jussi Halla-aho and Vilhelm Junnila #racist #wingnut #sexist #psycho euronews.com

Incoming Prime Minister Petteri Orpo is facing a public relations headache over the Speaker of Parliament and the Minister for Economic Affairs, both positions filled by the far-right Finns Party

In Finland, it's no secret that Jussi Halla-aho[…]has a decades-long track record of racist comments, and deeply troubling writings

The blog posts[…]contain disturbing insights into the worldview which has shaped his politics, and even brought him convictions for 'disturbing religious worship' and 'ethnic agitation' for which he was fined by the Finnish Supreme Court[…]
Halla-aho wrote in June 2006 that Islam is a "religion of pedophiles," and the Prophet Mohammed "was a pedophile"

He said that "robbing passers-by" was a "genetic trait" of Somalis

In 2006 he implied he would be "exclusively happy if a 'gang of immigrants' raped" a Green party MP

"I still and will continue to sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that if a woman who opposes the deportation of immigrant rapists is raped by an immigrant rapist, it is a happy thing," he later wrote[…]
"Violence is an underrated problem-solving tool today," he wrote in November 2008, during a discussion on whether to shoot a gay man in a Helsinki park[…]
When asked by Finnish journalists about his writings, Halla-aho's usual response is to say they are old, and he doesn't bring them up, it's the media's choice to keep going back and rehashing old texts[…]
Another headache facing the incoming Finnish government is Minister of Economic Affairs Vilhelm Junnila[…]
In 2019, Junnila was the featured speaker at an event in the western city of Turku which ostensibly was supposed to commemorate a terrorist attack two years previously

However, the rally was arranged by an organisation called the Coalition of Nationalists, an umbrella group formed in 2017 for those on the far-right including the Finns Party, the now-banned Nordic Resistance Movement, and the Soldiers of Odin vigilante movement



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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