Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com
Ivo says the White Hats are looking for Bill Gates, to arrest him, and of course he's promoting his vaxxeene around the world or that's what the word on the street says.
Ivo also says that those who do accept the zazzeem for the corona virus are still okay because your DNA is a lot stronger than this. (Remember DNA responds to your thoughts. If you think you're vulnerable to this disease you could very well be exposing yourself. Ashtar said not to fear the virus!)
I asked him, "So we're not going to be turned into Borgs?" and he replied, "No, not unless you want to be." Which is a pretty significant statement there; some people actually think technology will make them smarter. Nothing is more potent than the universe. The universe encompasses all else. It is the most powerful.
That's why it's so important people wake up to the truth of who they really are. Earthlings were gods once and now look.
What Ivo just said here makes sense. He said we won't be turned into bio-bots "unless you want to be."
This is a free will zone and we are all creators of our own reality and co-creators of others' realities.
We are the ones right now who are steering this ship. We are. Whatever happens on the global scene is a response to what this collective is thinking. How about we stop believing in disease? I for one, never think I can get sick, so I don't. I do lament about being fed up or about what I'm tired of so I get tired. Do you see?
So right now, think about, "RV, Global financial reset," think about the white hats arresting all the Cabal members - see them all in handcuffs! Picture this in your minds. Think about peace and calmness on earth. Think about elimination of debt, because that's already happening. Think about good things.
The metaphysics of thought: I was just thinking, "Geez, I'm so fed up of hearing about Corona Virus!" Maybe I'm not fed up of it. Obviously it's a low frequency so it bothers me, but maybe by feeling fed up my soul is saying, "Hey! Move on! Stop focusing on it and move on to something else." Let's face it we don't think about SARS anymore, do we? No. Why? Because we moved on.
This time move your mind on before the main stream media is done with it.
We lightworkers are sovereign. We are not subject to laws here on earth. We came from worlds/realms where we were sovereign and we came here as sovereign beings.
We are not subject to anything that is going on on this planet! We came here to change that for the sakes of others who don't understand who they are and how much power they really have.
Your mind is your greatest weapon against any threat. It's how you use it that is so important. Do you let yourself fear or do you release fear and align with your soul, who tells you not to worry.