Not only did conservative mouthpieces begin by questioning Obama's birthplace, religion, American citizenship, sexuality, political record, education, what his name is, whether Hawaii counted as an American state to determine the citizenship of his mother, if anyone should even count him as being black, etc...
They lost their shit when he put Dijon mustard on a burger, calling him an elitist. They challenged his competence when he drank a beer or put his feet up calling him a common lout. They tried to make a fucking THING out of him trying on a different colour of suit. Since when do men give half a shit what other men wear? Putting more focus than is remotely sensible on somebody's wardrobe as opposed to anything they say or do to mine for controversy is an idiocy men tend to reserve for women trying to get on with their job but you decided to subject your President to it because in an inverse of what most people try to teach their children if you didn't have anything rotten to say silence was not an option.
And still people try to pin shit on him even after he's out of office. The "Deep State" and all that jazz, like he's hiding in a closet in the White House waiting for his chance to jump out and change the locks. Or Trump blaming his psychotic policies on Obama, like his family separation fiasco and baby jails. Or Trump similarly blaming Obama for his failing legal challenges and thinning support even among Republicans, including those he hand picked when they refuse to break the law for him.
"Thanks, Obama" as a response to ludicrous bullshit somebody pulled out of their ass is literally an internet meme!
But then again why should anyone expect honesty or integrity from someone who chooses to identify themselves with a handle that flatly states they use memory impairing drugs for the purposes of facilitating rape? Or maybe you just slipped it in your own drink by accident.