creekbluess #fundie #kinkshaming

Purity culture is good actually

I think when men and women didn’t have sex until marrying, times were better because they really loved each-other for their mind and personality, true love is dead nowadays. The whole act is degrading, disgusting, inherently wrong and men know it, that’s why saying “suck my d*ck” is used as an insult. I honestly believe people should only be allowed to do it in the dark for reproduction if they want (after marriage).

I know people have their opinions on porn and whatnot, but all ideologies aside for a second, and ignoring the fact that it encourages the mistreatment and objectification of women which has a broader effect on society: what the f am I looking at? In my 18 yrs of life, I have never intentionally watched it only when I get those ads on free movie sites because I’m a cheapskate. Don’t even get me started on the “barely legal” content, it’s legit thinly veiled pedophilia. Truly mind numbing stuff.



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