Thomas Stone #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

There’s no going back

The entire world is walking in a death spiral
The nation states are gearing up for the world war that will be described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. These nation states are feverishly building up what they can in anticipation of the horror to come.

Manufactured terror attacks and engineered pandemics will continue to be used to subdue the masses and to get them to go along with their demise.

The black horse

Over the next two to three years, currencies will quickly depreciate further as the nation-state governments prepare behind the scenes and continually mislead the public. The public will be unprepared for what is to come and the West will suffer more than anywhere else.

Look for nation state sovereign debt bond yields to “inexplicably” continue to grind higher as the nation-state governments continue to crowd out the economy. The wealthy elite who own the privately run central banks need to continue consolidating their wealth and power in their quest to prepare for World War 3 and the last days. These elites are using the Book of Revelation as their template.

The red horse

Vladimir Putin is doing his best to guide Russia into the abyss. The private owners of the Bank of Russia control Putin and he is carrying out his orders to make certain Russia commits national suicide, alongside the West. Regardless of the nation states leader’s intentions, the results will be grim; national suicide. Cash will be trash going out to the force majeure.

The pale horse

As the fallout from the covid injections continue to make its way through the economy, inefficiencies and price pressures will mount. I see firsthand how a growing number of friends and family are now hopelessly dependent on the medical system. Of course, these sad sacks didn’t heed my warnings and took their full course of depopulation injections.

The white horse

Soon thereafter, a man on the white horse will emerge with the answers. Don’t listen to him.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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