Philogynist , XxWomanxX & hmimperialtortie #transphobia

( Philogynist )
Comparing TRAs with MRAs

- MRA emphasis on "egalitarianism" and "individuality" is the same thing as TRA emphasis on "inclusivity" and "identity".

- MRAs creating a group of "female oppressors" they called "feminazis" is the same thing as TRAs creating a group of "female oppressors" they call "TERFs" (note: lesbians were the ones most likely to be cast in both of these groups).

- MRAs stating that female people oppress male people and use feminism as a tool to do it is the same thing as TRAs stating that female ("cis") people oppress male ("trans") people and use radical feminism as a tool to do it.

- MRAs declaring that the existence of women-only resources and spaces is sexism against men is the same as TRAs claiming that the existence of women-only resources and spaces is transmisogyny against trans women (sexism against men).

- MRAs stating that there is nothing wrong with porn or prostitution is the same thing as TRAs stating there is nothing wrong with porn or prostitution.

- MRAs stating that one of the hallmarks of men being oppressed by women is their inability to be emotionally expressive. This is remarkably similar to TRAs stating that their inability to be emotionally validated is one of the hallmarks of trans-identifying male people being oppressed by women.

- MRAs claiming that feminism needs to focus on men is the same thing as TRAs claiming that feminism needs to focus on trans-identifying male people.

- MRAs claiming that women have female privilege is the same as TRAs claiming that women have cis privilege and transmen have "masc" privilege.

- The incel offshoot of MRAs claiming that lesbians should be sexually available to men is the same thing as TRAs claiming that lesbians should be sexually available to TIMs.

Does anyone here remember the group that was the primary opposition to feminism before TRAs came along? MRAs almost nearly suddenly disappeared overnight as a direct force when TRAs stepped into the spotlight.

( XxWomanxX )
They both fight for the advancement of privileges to males at the expense of women and children.

( hmimperialtortie )
Yep, same people. Likewise incels and transcels. All part of the “manosphere”.

I used to be on the blog Manboobz/We Hunted the Mammoth before the bloke running it sold out completely to the TIMs.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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