(On Assasins Creed)
Anti-Christian, as it claims that Jesus Christ was a fraud,[18] with the villains of the series being the Knights Templar. The worst of the franchise is Syndicate, which has you killing capitalists in Victorian age London, working with the evolutionist Charles Darwin and communist Karl Marx. Ubisoft also had a transgender in the game, even though such a person was nonexistent back then. Only two games exist in the franchise that are in any way conservative: The third, which deals with the American Revolution and depicts the Founding Fathers in a positive light (although the DLC has them depicted negatively), and Assassin's Creed Unity, which depicted the French Revolution and its founders in a very negative light.
(On Far Cry 5)
The main villains of the game are inaccurately portrayed as Christians, while the previous game villains were more politically neutral (they include a psychotic pirate and an atheistic dictator). However, Jerome Jeffries, one of the characters who aids the player, is a Christian pastor. Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt, another supporting character, has a distrust for government. The game also occasionally pokes fun at liberals and paints the 2nd-amendment in a positive light.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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