American Hypnotist #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Extensive research into history, language, occultism, and psychology has revealed the existence of an ancient cult that hails from the region of the world known today as Ukraine. More likely than not, this cult is in operation to this very day, and is behind the phenomenon that many call the Deep State.

It is almost certain that this cult is the original source of werewolf symbolism, and that they’ve managed to retain some degree of global influence over mankind for many thousands of years. They are known as the Koryos.

Now, the Koryos are not the only group that appears to have worldwide influence. I posit that the Trumps and Kennedys are royal descendants of another “elite” society that was once (and still is) globally influential—but unlike the Koryos, I believe this society to be of a benevolent character. It’s likely the case that this positive group gave us much of what we think of today as “Tartarian” architecture

One of my reasons for positing the existence of a second, globally-influential group is the fact that all the peoples of the world once spoke ancient German. Almost no one in the English-speaking world is aware of this fact, but it is nonetheless demonstrably true.
In our previous article, we discussed the Celtic/Druid royalty connection between Trump and the Kennedys; however, it should also be said that many researchers equate the Druids with the Illuminati. Now that we’ve discovered an important connection with the German language and Trump, I can’t help but be reminded of the fact that the Illuminati reportedly began in Bavaria—a part of Germany.
Knowing the origin of words and languages teaches you how the collective psyche morphed over the years—in an information war, knowing the origin of things confers a strategic advantage. Perhaps the “elite” are the elite simply because they’ve retained an information advantage over mankind going back to “the beginning” (whatever that might have been).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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