H J #psycho #racist amren.com

It is disgusting that this Hindoo monkey use this event to justify the atrocities done by India to the Kashmiris. Massive human rights abuse is well documented in India controlled Kashmir. Thousands of Kashmiris vanished only to show up in mass graves. You are a disgusting piece of $hit.

You are an ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget from the Arunachal Pradesh state of India. Subhuman leeches like you are the lowest of all, even lower than Muslims and "untouchables". Worthless subhuman POS like you live illegally in the US and leech off taxpayer dollars. Ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget like you have no place in this world, neither in India nor in the US. I don't even know what race you people belong to. You people look like subhuman tribal midget mongrel of some kind. This is how you people look like, is this subhuman tribal midget mongrel your grandma?

The Changing Face of Beauty in Northeast India | Short Film Showcase

What in hell is that creature supposed to be?

It's an ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget from the Arunachal Pradesh state of India. They are indigenous subhumans of that land. Even more hideous than negro sheebons. DarkChocolate7465 is one of those subhumans. He is angry that Indians conquered that land.



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