Craige McMillan #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Oddly enough, some of the
nations of the world seem to be consumed with making the world into one big nation, and having one big world government that runs everything. The U.N. – United Nations – comes to mind, as does the European Union, which is just another layer of government implemented over European countries trying to give the impression that it is one big unified nation with the same money, taxation, laws and customs for the suddenly subservient states that comprise the EU.

Both the U.N. and the EU portray fake unity. Come to think of it, the United States are laboring under a fake unity as well. Fedzilla was never created to rule over the various states in the union.
. This means, of course, they they never understood the purpose of their existence, for you do not serve other people by lording it over them. Odd term – isn't it? – considering that the one who was Lord of All became a servant unto death on a cross, to reconcile us to our Father in Heaven.
Satan did not give up after his defeat at the Cross of Christ. He has continued to simmer his one-world stew, where he will rule and reign over all the earth and all of humanity. He expects to do this through a one-world government that rules over all individual governments.
The people working to implement this beast system under the radar think they are so rich, so powerful and so smart that they can't possibly fail. In fact, many of them think they are gods.

They are about to learn otherwise. We are going to see God move supernaturally on a scale that humanity has never seen before, because this is an exodus of the nations of the entire world from Satan's grip. For now, God intends to have His church (the Body of Christ – Jesus is the Head) rebuild the world more to His liking. The Antichrist and the Beast system will appear at the appointed time. But not before the arising of the sons and daughters of God, the wise ones, the ones who will know what to do.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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