Isn't a majority of anime and manga misogynistic trash for zoophiles and pedophiles to begin with?
Misogynist I’ll sort of grant; even today there’s still a lot of bad-taste fanservice, mostly of female characters, particularly in Seinen titles. Unfortunately it’s still popular enough to appear in mainstream content. That said, I’d hardly call it a majority, and if anything, it seems to be in gradual decline. Or maybe I’m just better at filtering out such content, not sure.
Pedophilia, not so much anymore. There was a lot of pedo-baiting and 1000-year-old lolis, mostly as comedy, during the 2000s, but they passed a law which forced creators to knock that shit off. So you’re way behind the times here. Unless you mean 16-17 year-olds dealing with the possibility of relationships and perhaps even sex, in which case, have you even read any YA novels? That’s mainstream pretty much everywhere.
Zoophilia, I’m curious whether they’re thinking along the lines of Beastars or Kemono Friends. The latter would be laughably dumb, the former somewhat understandable (given what some people mistakenly believe about furries) but you could probably count the number of similar titles ever to exist on the fingers of one hand.
“Isn't a majority of anime and manga misogynistic trash for zoophiles and pedophiles to begin with?”
No. It never has, and it never will. Empresses’ comment history shows a lot of stereotyping anime fans. Anime and Manga are for everyone regardless of gender. The whole “Targeted towards a certain gender” premise is becoming obsolete nowadays as there are women who like shonen type series and men who like shojo type series. No one should be shamed for reading/watching a series fans enjoy that makes them happy. And Douchey McNitpicks like Emperesses doesn’t like it when people are happy and wants to ruin it for everyone.
...and yet, if it wasn't for Pat Robertson - via Superbook in the 1980s opening up the second biggest market for Anime: resulting in "BNA: Brand New Animal" for Netflix 40 years later, thus fur-ther proof of how anthro is now accepted in the wider mainstream media - you wouldn't have anything to justify your pathetic existence with your whines, Empress-of-Karens.
F*ck off. While I admit I’m not always very comfortable with the large amount of Lolis (underage looking women) in Anime/Manga, since when does it promote bestiality!? If you’re talking about furries or catgirls, that is NOT zoophilia. Hell, I’m not even a furry, but even I do like the occasional Arachne/Drider (spider woman) , Lamia/Naga (snake woman), or Minotaur/Holstaur (cow woman), which are more “monster girls” than furrys anyway.
“Manga” is nothing but a name for comics in the Japanese style, and it’s a very diverse category, including love stories, historical fiction and adventure series. Moreover, the number of pedo-pandering content is more reduced than thought, as much as the proportion of erotic works in Western animation and comics.
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