“Men make a grave mistake telling women their problems and weaknesses.”
Well, what are my options? My teddy bear? He’s cute, but he can’t loan me cash.
"She uses it against you, judges you”
Okay. If i have a weakness, and she judges me for it, than she’s not judging me for some sort of incel made-up bullshit.
"and seeks to destroy you.”
The only thing you know about me and the woman in my life are our two genders. To come to any conclusions about her is pure sexism on your part.
“Imagine Christ complaining to you about how he's feeling.”
Okay. Do you think that puts you in a position to judge and destroy Jesus?
“Men would be lost.”
I was an LPO in the service. I’ve handled suicide thoughts, bad breakups, divorce, and an open marriage.
Bring it on, Jesus. Maybe i can’t solve it, but we can discuss whether or not you’re the asshole.
"Women look to men in the same way.”
No, they do not. Oh, but YOUR women do. Uh huh. You’re their sun, their moon, and at least 3 of teh cardinal diresctions. They could not function without you.
MY wife has done the ‘single mother’ routing while i was deployed, or in school, or geographical bachelor. It’s easier if we’re both there, but we don’t HAVE to be.