BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #sexist #god-complex #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger
Herd moons/women – Jack of all trades for herd, parallel processing D+ {Gossip and work one task}, need to conform with one another {Especially other herd women}, uses double speak, has no sense of humor, overtly concerned about chaos and emotions, wants validation, only reason large soycieties can exist, like your bratty little sister, you complain and have babies for your tribe, like the pregnant new hire with no experience who wants to become the boss. You took a red and blue pill, but you're not purple pilled and want to be?!? What would alpha women think of that? You wouldn't know, alpha women know better than to bother with the herd.
Herd suns/men – Specialists for herd, batch processing D+ {Thinking about sex or how to get it}, need to protect and provide for herd women {Usually the dumbest ones}, uses single speak, has a sense of humor, only reason large soycieties can exist, overtly concerned about stability and simplicity, wants sexual favors, like your adult child room mate, you work to have sex with your tribe, like the new hire who wants to have sex in the bathroom. You are blue pilled... so blue pilled because sex only, what a cuck. You know what alpha men think of that, they tell you on a semi regular basis.