Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy
As an American who grew up in the 1940s and 1950s I wonder what became of my country. We were a homogeneous Christian people proud of our history. We were unified with a common language, prayer in public schools, and monuments to dead white men. We were safe in our homes and schools, in our streets, and on public transportation. A five-year old child could walk to school safely. Public schools were good. Teachers had degrees in the subjects they taught, not in something called education. We looked to the future with optimism.
What happened to my country? It was torn apart by bitchy white liberals, by the influence of Jewish Marxists known as the Frankfort School, and by the 1965 immigration act that turned the United States into a Tower of Babel. These developments launched the denunciation and “unmasking” that branded America as “racist,” “exploitative,” and “misogynist.” Today our history is a compendium of crimes as the New York Times 1619 Project, now taught in public schools, illustrates.
Restitution set in, with the result being that white American citizens, especially heterosexual white males, have become second class citizens against whom it is legal to discriminate in university admissions, hiring, and promotion. White students and employees are also required to be re-educated in “sensitivity training,” but no other race has to be sensitive toward white people.
How far our country has collapsed! An immigrant-invader can walk across the border, get a job as a police officer, and arrest you, especially if you are a Trump supporter who wanted a wall built to keep him out.
What explains this collapse except the complete absence of white confidence?
People without racial confidence, which is what most white people are today, are a people whose future is extinction.