Nancy F #magick #quack #fundie #conspiracy

I have a brother in Va. Beach General Hospital ICU and the Hospital is 6 miles away from 2 Naval Bases in Va. Beach and 20 miles away from the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth. My brother is dying and I know there are med beds 6 miles away that could save him but everyday the finish line changes and gets further out. Yes I have currency and yes I have life threatening illness but would give up my appointment to save my brother. Money is great but family is greater.

Many have died waiting for this and I feel so blessed to be a chosen ones to be living in this time. There are no words to express all the love and appreciation I have for President Trump, VP Kennedy, all the Loyal Generals, our beloved Military, space force, lightworkers and family from other planets. I just wish I didn’t know about the med beds as I know they are there and am helpless to save my brother… I pray to God morning and night to get that email so I can possibly get him the help he needs. We were both volunteers for over 10 years with the Rescue Squad and he has had 5 surgeries on his back as a result of helping others. There were no battery operated stretchers then and we lifted everything with back and leg muscles. Spinal Fluid is in his brain and they don’t know where it is coming from…

Asking for prayers as I know there is power in prayer. Just tears me up knowing there is a miracle bed that could give him his life back 6 miles away but I can’t do anything without that email… This is so hard!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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