Time_Barracuda #conspiracy #transphobia reddit.com

Its not a bug– its a feature. For anyone who’s the least bit conspiracy minded this result makes perfect sense.

The sudden prominence of trans rights in leftist discourse has neatly split the left, and confirmed for many people their beliefs about the worst aspects of leftism, IE an obsession with ‘special rights’ at other’s expense, a focus on minutiae and a lockstep group-think that disallows any dissent, even at the expense of a shared reality. If I were a machiavellian conservative activist looking to create a societal trope to hobble my enemies I could hardly do better than the propagation of gender ideology in leftist circles. Its entirely possible that what we’re experiencing here is a massive psy-op– that would explain why trans rights have gone from being a minor blip on the horizon to suddenly being the central defining tenet of leftism. Trans rights is an artificial wedge issue being pushed by people and groups seeking to marginalize the left.

If you’re skeptical about this, consider how much you supported planned parenthood 5 years ago as opposed to today, and what a massive victory that change in opinion is for those who have been trying to dismantle planned parenthood for 50 years. PP’s wholehearted buy in to the trans business has alienated those who have long fought for its continued existence and it very well may not survive the inevitable (and well deserved) backlash coming down the line in the future, when people realize how many lives have been destroyed by cross sex hormones provided so casually by entities like PP. What could not be accomplished from outside has instead been accomplished from within. Its impossible for me to believe that’s an accident.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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