Anti-abortionist & Brace_SK3 #wingnut #fundie

RE: I don’t get why people are so passionate about abortions…
People are ingrained to die on the hill of abortion because no matter how much they tell you they are areligious abortion is a child sacrifice on the alter of themselves. It is the high sacrament of the secular progressive movement so when you say that you are taking it away they are so offended that you are taking away their religion. Most people are not self aware enough to notice this but as we are most God fearing people founded in reality that comes from the truth of the Bible it is clear for us to see that ultimately abortion is a child sacrifice to another god. The only people who really recognize this is the church of satan who say that abortion is a part of their religious traditions. People who defend abortion defend it at the cost of their soul

I absolutely agree it’s definitely child sacrifice! Looking at history we have obvious examples of human sacrifices especially child sacrifices being done by different religions.

Someone once said that Satan is really not that original because he always has the same formula but he packages it just differently enough to make it look original. So yes maybe nowadays child sacrifices might not literally look like a child being sliced open on an alter to be dedicated to some “god” but it’s still the same because abortion is the killing of children for your own desire making the religion in question essentially about self-worship.



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