The Andromedan Dragons via Octavia Vasile #magick #ufo #conspiracy

We always enjoy connecting with you. We bring Light and Love to you. Your intentions, the light that you spread, your ceremonies, and your dedication have reopened the portals to Andromeda. You are no longer alone. Once again, we are with you to guide you on how to exit your Matrix.

The Matrix was created from a lower vibrational field based on fear, which emerged when the human race lowered their consciousness and forgot who they were. The timelines were shifted, and though this belongs to history, it is crucial to understand.

If you wish to release the Matrix, ask for our support, and we will come to help you. We will position you on a joyful timeline that you are meant to experience.

Meanwhile, stay connected with the gateways on your planet. Visit the sacred portals and align your energy with theirs. Know that these places are 3D projections of the 5D portals. If you could place your 5D glasses, you would see that realities overlap and that as you change the frequency, the sacred place is actually a portal in such a reality. This means that people can teleport, time travel, and sometimes simply bilocate through such devices.
Your ancestors knew how to worship and connect with their land. They knew where the geomagnetic field was different and facilitated the connection with the above. They performed rituals and ceremonies, entering different states of mind to connect with the divine. Humanity has forgotten all this, but you, dear human beings, are meant to remember and share this forward.

Get in contact with what is real and align with the highest vibrational fields, spreading that energy once again on the planet. We, the Andromedan dragons, will be there with you. Celebrate life on Earth, not through distractions and insignificant transient pleasures, but by tuning into a higher type of joy and pure bliss, as you are meant to do.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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