Swalla365 #sexist reddit.com

Holes in prison feeling entitled to tampons

I just watched a video on YouTube from some thot who was in prison. She was complaining about how women in prison don’t get tampons but instead they get this one size fits all pad and they only get 1 of it. She was bitching about how they don’t work because foids aren’t one size fits all and they would get yelled at for asking for more than one. Cry me a fucking river cunts. I don’t want my tax dollars going towards buying tampons for some cunts that wouldn’t give me the time of day if they were out of prison. You’re not entitled to free tampons. If women in third world countries that grow up in mud huts can live without tampons, so can you.
It’s not like they couldn’t get tampons at all, according to the foid in the video, they could buy some small ones for $10. Of course they think they are too good to buy their own shit and feel entitled to free shit. The comment section was full of holes bitching about how “tampons should be free for women in prison, the world is so unfair”, “men just don’t understand”, “it’s a man’s world”.

Like I said before, cry me a river cunts



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