Eugenicist #sexist #racist #ableist #psycho
Schools need toxic personality classes. Classes which deal with toxic types of people. Homo-Toxicology.
Autists: Irritable, selfish, sociopaths without a leg up of social cognizance to manipulate, but it varies, this is the generla scenario..
Blacks: Impulsive, numb, dense, selfish, etc.
Rednecks: Basically the same as blacks but with more of an affinity to glorify ignorance through complex pseudoideologies and are more happy being outgoing, low tier shit gene white people
Foids: Manipulative, materialistic, selfish, euphemistic, judgy, criticizing, secretive, make pseudo-ideological justifications for what they do, and pseudo-stances to justify getting away from who they want, and getting close to who they want with their superficiality.
Slavs: Drunken, depraved, basically rednecks as an ethnicity only a little bit more sociopathic, and slightly better genes if there's more norwegian.
Asians: Superficial, materialistic, stoic, fake, white worshiping, lookist, wooden with things without power, dominance, wealth, totalitarian, paranoid, insecure
Jews: Basically asians only far more cunning and well hidden.
Arab/ Indians: A mix between blacks and jews. Half are manipulative, cunning, materialistic and the other half are just plain crazy/ abusive.
Did I miss anyone?
There needs to be classrooms telling people how to judge the reality of mankind without having us to do all the heavy lifting mentally ourselves. What do we pay tuition for?