Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #wingnut

Girls need protective dads. So do boys. God designed fathers with the instinct to defend and stand in the gap for their children, and those who would mischaracterize or dishonor that motive are not to be trusted.
Kids essentially have become human shields for progressive politics.
Never get in the way of the “LGBTQ” agenda, is one big message. Except that, in God’s eyes, this agenda is straight from the bowels of hell. Those who desecrate children are being fitted for a millstone necklace and I don’t think God will delay that judgment for much longer.

Satan’s plans for our offspring don’t have room for protective parents and caretakers. Predators and their education allies deceive children, or discard children, or use them for adult purposes. Some eventually harbor an intense desire to defile the young (think: drag queen story hours, homosexual school clubs, explicit condom lessons).

And this doesn’t even account for the foolishness of mask mandates for children, which are scientifically unsupportable and certainly little more than a rallying device for the left’s power obsession and its determination to “mask” the real goal: keep parents in line and some teachers from freaking out over irrational fears.

The school climate that celebrates open restrooms, sodomy promotion and porn in libraries legitimizes child defilement, and can only be sustained if those who would protect the young are restrained. Many tense interactions between parents and school officials illustrate these conflicting goals.
God’s beautiful gift of innocence and goodness, the blessing of new life in our children, is being systematically corrupted and destroyed, while the truth is put in chains.

May God help us. And parents, it’s still up to you to turn this around. Don’t give up.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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