ky_native #racist
I have a dream...that one day Tucker Carlson can say on Fox News that the reason that blacks fail so much in life is because nature didn't intend for them to live in the city (or civilization). Tucker can look directly into the camera and say aloud: the reason blacks don't do well in academics is because they don't have the IQ, and the only reason they were sent to school to begin with is because of leftist morons who think we are all the same.
I have a dream that my sons will never have to look over their shoulders and wonder if they are being stalked by a garrison of negro thugs. In my dream, I see a BIG boat and white people standing on the docks waving farewell to the last negroes. This will be such a momentous event that people will buy flower petals to cast into the wind.
The white people can form choirs and sings songs of joy. Songs of Mozart! They will be free of the Grinch who took their belongings. The first Christmas without blacks will have the Whos (white people) gather around the Christmas Tree and sing songs of joy. As I watched this video, I realized that the Grinch is just the leftists, the democrat party, and other killjoys.