Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Fringe-culture rumors of underground alien-human shenanigans are in reality fed by leaks from questionable individuals, usually with intelligence connections. The whole captured-alien-hardware story is just a highly elaborate hoax to discredit those exposing the reality of these deep bases.

I’m suggesting that there may be a reset coming that would finish off the U.S. and the U.K. as we know it and usher in a hardcore Orwellian tyranny. War would be the pretense and cover used for this. It is a primary reason the neo-zio cons are clamoring for war with Iran and poking the Russian bear.

The rumored “Red List” and “Blue List” is effectively true. Only authoritarian followers and the most dense pajama people are not on the lists. Even being only slightly awake will get you recognition. If you speak out on Israel and Jewish power, you are there in spades. The Scamdemic has allowed the Tyranny to identify millions of people who don’t tow the party line.
Red List – These people are the enemies of the New Underworld Order (NUO) Crime Syndicate. They are outspoken leaders or influencers. The theory holds that they will be dragged out of bed at 3 a.m., taken to a facility and killed, similar to how the Cheka did it in the Soviet Union.
Blue List – These are also enemies of the NUO, mostly followers of the Red List folks. They’re not hardcore, but are partially awake. These people will be rounded up and taken to detention centers for “re-education.”
Many underground bases are owned by corporations or unknown Crime Syndicate-related entities. They are serviced by tram, gondola and elevators.

They are in remote locations, so they do not need many guards. They are guarded through satellites and other technologies.
Beta test versions of the cull are already in place. The January 6th Capital prisoners are a beta test for how long the Star Chamber can keep political prisoners indefinitely in foul conditions and without due process of law.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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