Tim N. #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot henrymakow.com

Chemtrail spraying, or Geoengineering is a proven, worldwide delivery system that has been in use on an almost daily basis for over 20 years, and for almost 50 years in the US. 1972 New York Times article: Rainmaking used as a weapon in Indochina

Perfect system to deliver an advanced bio-weapon. Specific countries, cities or even genetically-specific weaponized "flu-like" virus' could be delivered in varying degrees of potency....to different targeted areas around the globe.

Easy to control the Propaganda roll out. There have been unusual "breakouts" worldwide in seemingly unrelated areas. China, Italy and Iran. Initially, nothing in New York for weeks. Or Africa. Yet both have significant relationships with the Chinese.

Interestingly, The Angel of Death Chemtrail from the Ten Commandments Movie is an airborne pathogen like The Denver Airport Mural.

Even if people quarantine, the virus can still be delivered. And if a civil disobedience movement breaks out...watch out! A quick spray will stop that nonsense and "prove" how unsafe it is.

Of course, areas where the privileged are might get just a mild spray or none at all. Perfect way to achieve Goal Number One of the Georgia Guidestones without getting their hands too dirty.

Somehow, with all the reduction in commercial flights canceled because of Covid, we still see the same volume of aircraft spraying. Just have to add that "special canister" when necessary.

One interesting side note: Corona is Latin for "garland worn on the head as a mark of honor or emblem of majesty" Is CoronaVirus an inside anti-Christian "joke" of Jesus' crown of thorns?



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