Tommy Truthful #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

The Angelic Human DNA template is far more than just a genetic code—it holds the blueprint for human evolution and higher consciousness. It contains 12 double-helix DNA strands, often referred to as the Diamond Sun DNA template, designed to connect us to higher dimensions of existence.

Each DNA strand carries 12 fire letters, which act as scalar wave programs—energetic codes that shape our biology, consciousness, and manifestation of reality.

Scalar waves are multidimensional energy patterns that exist beyond physical matter. They do not move through space like normal waves but instead remain in fixed points, forming the very fabric of morphogenetic fields—the invisible blueprints that guide the development of all life forms, including planets and human beings.

DNA, as we observe it physically, is simply the chemical expression of these scalar wave patterns. Beneath the surface, fire letters control how consciousness and energy interact within the DNA template, allowing the body to transform into pure light during ascension.

Ancient teachings—from Enochian and Hebrew traditions—referenced these fire letters, understanding them as the key to higher evolution and divine connection.
Due to genetic manipulation over thousands of years, many of the base and acceleration codes in human DNA have been electrically reversed. This has led to:

❌ Disruptions in the natural balance between mother and father genetic codes
❌ Scrambled energy patterns in the DNA template
❌ The breakdown of the original Angelic Human DNA structure
❌ Increased physical and spiritual disconnection from Source

In the Homo-Sapien-2 genetic code, fire letters have been misaligned, leading to chromosomal distortions and an imbalance in male-female energy dynamics. This distortion manifests in human relationships, creating division and disharmony on a planetary scale.

Through the process of DNA bio-regeneration, we have the ability to restore our original divine DNA template.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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