Northwest #wingnut #conspiracy

There is currently no legitimate president in the White House. Joseph Biden is being claimed by the liberal media, by Big Tech and by the Democrat Party itself to be the 46th and current President"president". He took office was installed on January 20, 2021. His legitimate predecessor was Donald J. Trump Biden's "election " is disputed and illegitimate due to credible evidence of Democrat election fraud.

There is doubt as to the legitimacy and legality of Obama's claim to the Presidency due to his refusal to disclose his legitimate birth records (the fraudulent "birth certificate" he released notwithstanding, later complicated by his own admission that he originally came from Kenya, and his history prior to his announcing his plan to run for President as a Democrat candidate in 2007. He has determined to keep his records sealed because revelation of such would reveal that, under United States Constitution Article II, Section 1 (which prohibits those who are not natural-born United States citizens from eligibility for the office of President), he was not only not ineligible to hold the office but was ineligible to even run for the Presidency, thereby making both his Presidential run and his subsequent assumption of the office illegal under the Constitution. As such, Obama's ineligibility to run for or hold the office of President would mean that the United States of America did not have a legitimate executive from January 20, 2009 (the day that Obama assumed the office) until January 20, 2017 (the day President Donald Trump was sworn in to possibly become the first legitimate President since George W. Bush).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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