Decapoleis #fundie #homophobia

[On the topic of a piece of student artwork depicting religious trauma]

Not all parents are happy to show their children blasphemous works. It's a question of freedom of education, which is why I much prefer public schools to public ones: don't like your child's school choices? Send him to another one, the market is free!

Being LGBT is hardly blasphemous, and your usage of freedom of education is equally flawed. Your school is prohibited from discriminating against you based on religious beliefs, as clearly outlined in the First Amendment. It's the school that would be in violation, not the so-called "blaspheming" artist.

I was not talking about LGBT, the promotion of which is anti-biblical anyway, so I would understand if LGBT art were banned in a context where all or most people were Christian. By blasphemy I meant the blood-stained rosary.

And I'm not American, so I don't know about American amendments.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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