White Genocide is Real #racist christiannews.net

White supremacy is a myth, a false tale told by communist globalist Marxist liberal democrats on a mission to genocide white people in the very nation they founded.

White Supremacist = A White man that openly objects to his political dispossession and demographic replacement by the 3rd World Hordes in the nation forged out of a savage wilderness by his White Forefathers

“There are some things that must be said so that future generations will know that at least some of us were aware, and that our generation was not entirely composed of cowards and fools.” - Guillaume Faye

White is much more than skin colour. White refers specifically to the peoples of European Descent just as Blacks refer to those of African descent.

Whites (Europeans) are a distinct Caucasoid phenotype.

Whites are one people... One race with many different tribes people, just like blacks in Africa are of one racial group which make up many different tribes. A swede who marries a pole and has a child is not race mixing and committing racial suicide. When Whites mix their racial bloodlines with Blacks, Asians, Latinos or Indians that is racial suicide.

The reason why Whites in America have been reduced to using the term White Nationalism is because the American identity have been hijacked by ((( Marxists immigrant propaganda))) and non-whites think they can be included in the American Nation. They can't...one is born into a nation by blood. The American ethnicity was forged out of Europeans Stock. How did this happen...because Whites (Europeans) are cousins by blood.

If you're not White (European) you're not an American. A nation is blood. A nation is not an idea.

Genes =DNA=Blood...create culture. If all the races were the same and equal then we would all have the same culture. It's a lie and everyone knows it..we see the lie daily everywhere we look.

Civilizations do not die. They commit suicide and it is what we are witnessing throughout all of White Western civilization. Neither those in power nor the people think enough of their civilization to preserve it.

The masses have been (((brainwashed))) by the progressive canard of multiculturalism that all cultures are equal. If you think your culture isn’t better than another, then you have no reason to care if it is preserved and replaced by another.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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