C.A Skeet #homophobia #transphobia #fundie pjmedia.com

Drag queens and drag shows are intentionally targeting children. Some of these drag queens have turned out to be registered sex offenders. But even if they weren't, nobody, neither gay nor straight, has made a convincing argument as to why drag queens or drag shows are appropriate for kindergarteners. Rather than make such an argument, drag shows simply use armed Antifa brownshirts to protect their exhibitions in child predation.

Is this what you're proud of?

You who are so brave in donning priests' and nuns' gear to mock Christians would never dream of doing so to Muslims, whose compatriots are doing far worse to gays today than the meanest Christians ever did to gays, at any time in the history of their religion. Your "pride" seems inversely proportionate to the reasonable expectation of violence derived from its expression. The less the threat from your "enemy," the more "pride" you rub their faces in. Nuns don't shoot up gay nightclubs in Florida or hang you from cranes in Tehran, so it's safe to make fun of them.

And you'll notice that Queers for Palestine does not have fellow travelers in Jihadists for Gays. Nor will it ever. This alliance of convenience ends one way and one way only.

Is this what you're proud of?

Women's sports face the challenge of mediocre male athletes who never would have blipped on anyone's radar but are now shattering women's records, stealing women's scholarships, and breaking women's bones. In the darker corners of all-gender safe spaces, they are raping teenage girls. This is all happening under the protection of the LGBTQ banner.

Is this what you're proud of?

Wait, what's that you say? You never intended for pedophiles, rapists, misogynists, and little punk totalitarians to hijack the gay rights movement? Guess what? They did exactly that.

You can argue (and I would agree with you) that these ne'er-do-wells have piggybacked you with their own selfish and perverse agendas. But your movement's leadership (with noble exceptions) has fully embraced them out of fear of social cancellation or a sincere and dogmatically fanatical delusion that the traditional nuclear family, free market capitalism, and Western civilization are existential threats that must be annihilated at all costs and that this justifies defending the worst excesses of misogynists and sexual predators. To make an omelet...



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