SakuraBlossoms #transphobia

"My nephew did not choose to be trans..."

She chose her "identity" based on an unproven social theory that she could have lived her whole life without learning about. "Gender" as they all say is just a social construct, and this groomer's niece could have been raised in a culture where the social construct of being a boy was completely different. It could have been opposite--the social construct assigned to the male sex could have been wearing a dress and makeup and playing with dolls. Would she still be a boy?

Also, according to TRAs there is no physical requirement to be a boy, you can have a girl's body and call yourself a boy if you want to. You are apparently equally valid as a boy whether you are male, a female on steroids, or a female who has done no damage to her body. They claim you don't need body dysphoria or any type of gender dysphoria to be trans. And how can you know if you are comfortable with your body or genitals when you haven't even given them a chance to develop??? Choosing to destroy one's body is fully a choice, considering so many trans don't even do it. And we all agree that since children cannot consent, they cannot make the choice if they want to have sex or not, but they can make the choice to permanently destroy their bodies?!?!? While being fed lies with many genuinely believing they'll actually end up with something remotely resembling the other sex rather than suffer irreparable harm?? Even adults are denied informed consent in this regard as the TRA rhetoric pretends steroids and even genital butchery is safe.

But yeah, being tall, gay, or left-handed is the same as proposing a child can consent to bodily destruction. And there are actually people who do not realize their full sexuality until they are 18 or older, or especially until their later teens. Transing kids is like making kids lock in on their sexuality at 10 by doing some sort of permanent mutilation. That'd be insane! Look at all the asexual 11-year-olds who have been groomed to state a sexuality long before they should be thinking about sex. Maybe a few of them will turn out to be genuinely asexual but for the most part, they probably just didn't start feeling sexual attraction yet because they're children. Look at all the kids who might think they're straight at 13 because the homophobia around them has made them uncomfortable with even considering if they might be LGB.



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