Liberty #crackpot #magick

There are no more secrets! You can instantly know everything you need.

The magnetic grid holds the power that is yours in its right. Now is the time to reclaim the power that you have left behind in the grid as a result of your many incarnations on planet Earth. Yes, the grid remembers and knows everything about you! It stores this knowledge for yourself. So that one day you also remember everything about yourself and become who you really are.

All you have to do is be fragmented! It is enough not to remember ourselves and not to know our strength. Now you can, figuratively speaking, put yourself together piece by piece into a single whole. Now you have nothing to hide your power from yourself.


Because the grid has a honeycomb structure, you can visualize the cell of the honeycomb that you align with your energy field – and thereby connect to the grid. You can simply visualize the filaments of golden light connecting you to the Cosmos. You can imagine yourself in a pillar of golden light – and thereby come into contact with the grid. Dear ones, whatever and however you imagine, it will work if your visualization is combined with your intention.

Remember, the grid is your means of communication with God and the higher dimensions. It is a means of connecting everyone with everyone – each person with everyone. This is a means of communication between you and yourself! Discover the possibilities of the grid – now there are no limits to it. And you will discover how much is now available to you – as much as has never been before in the history of mankind



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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