Good for him. It's absolutely insane that people aren't allowed to say "Christmas" at a public school, but a government entity can force an employee to worship its secular quasi-religion.

This is where everything goes awry for people like me. The heavy-handed "you will be made to care" approach by the militant LGBTQ+ mob provokes a rebound reaction. I'm all about live and let live, but around the 500th forced rainbow sighting of June — I think we're already there this year — I'm more than a little irritated with the whole thing.

Obviously, I'm not the only one. I follow a lot of the University of Arizona's athletic accounts on Instagram, and most of them did perfunctory Pride posts. Put mildly, they were savaged in the comments. In fact, there were a lot of "Vote Trump" responses, which added a little something to the madness.

Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and virtue signaling is stupid.

The LGBTQ+ Alphabet Mafia is not an oppressed fringe group; it's a bully fringe group. Pride Month is not a celebration; it's a confrontation.

OK, it's intended to be a confrontation. What it ends up being is 30 days of the most boring loud people in America trying to shock the public in parades. Not edgy, just cliché.

We will wrap up this Monday on a light note with a bonus video from "Family Guy" that fits perfectly:



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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