Mira of the Galactic Federation Earth Council via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Greetings beloved ones, I am Mira of the Galactic Federation Earth Council division. We are watching your progress of ascension with eager eyes and open hearts.
I Mira am speaking with my coworkers and team members when we say that you are wholly and utterly loved. You have, many of you, lived so far this lifetime with deep-seated loneliness because you chose to awaken first. It has been an isolating journey and yet this time of inner isolation as you work out your ascension has been a blessing not to have lost focus. Ascension is normally a very quiet and individual experience. It will not be with you. It will be a global and universal event for the record books.
We wish to bring you peace and peaceful tidings as you begin to explore the new frequencies that are made available to you moment by moment. Truly you are living in miraculous times. There are many to disparage that the state of your world has not appeared to change and yet the undercurrent of the new is like a rushing underground river. Much has been hidden from you. Many worlds lie beneath your feat. Earth is a honeycomb of realms and experiences. There are many underground realities that have coexisted unnoticed but this time of unnoticing is to be replaced with one of intimate awareness. Your inner earth relatives and friends are attempting to make contact now. You have always looked up at the stars when considering humanity’s origins. There is always much to discover with the inward projection of awareness but this goes for interplanetary introspection as well and much will be discovered.

I Mira am speaking. We greet and surround you this day and we thank this channel for making herself available this night. More channelers are coming on line but as it is new to them most are shutting it off and shutting the connection down. Many of your d***s try to dim this connection. This connection to inner knowing is your birth right and we suggest that you keep it close to your heart.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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