MariaTenebre #crackpot #fundie #psycho

Because Ishtar is a role model and she was by no means a cruel monster like Yahweh/Typhon She is beautiful a warrior and a protector of women and LGBT people.

Also she threatens to raise the dead but dosen't do so she also brought us the Tablets of Civilization which made civilization possible. Though it isn't shocking you would like Yahweh he hates sexualized women too

Also that has been your entire screed that sexualized women make ugly girls feel bad about themselves and should be banned. Plus there is a difference between myth and cultus but yes women should be like Ishtar or even Oshun. Besides feminists have been stanning Lilith even though they know nothing of Her and Lilith is Ishtar's servant. So in a world of ugly feminists be like the bad ass sexy warrior Goddess!



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