throwawayincel420 #sexist
I created a throwaway to hide my identity because of the stigma
I don’t understand why we are so hated in society, we speak the truth that we all know deep inside. Im tired of getting rejected by every foid in a five mile radius just for them to cry on my shoulder until they find the next cock to ride. I wish every foid eternal torment like they give us. I get infuriated by their supreme lack of intellect or any talent at all. I wish I could live back in the time where women had to be submissive to men. I don’t understand the appeal of women’s rights, women are biologically inferior in every way, their purpose is to bare children and nothing else. The only benefit to having them be anything but house servants is forcing them to have to support themselves instead of being leeches while us men do all the hard work and supporting the household. Though it is inconvenient to have to do all the cleaning myself (I don’t see why that’s necessary either, though... why should I have to cater to society’s standards of what my home space should look like?) I am done with societies focus on foids.