Carney3 #crackpot #racist

RE: British Imperialism Didn’t Destroy India

India not only has a low average IQ, it also handicapped itself after independence with crackpot economic policies, derived from a mix of Gandhi, Lenin, and European socialists. This wasn't as bad as the maximum insanity of Maoism in nearby China, but the Chinese have a higher IQ and woke up from their economic kookery sooner, back in the 80s. India only started emerging from its long slumber in the 1990s.

India's problems are not caused by the British, nor by failure to industrialize. India's problems are caused by animalistic over-breeding and the overpopulation plaguing India.

No. If India had the IQ of China, it would not be the mess it is. If India had half the population it has now, it would still be a mess as long as the cross section of IQ remained the same, or worse compared to now.

India's failure was its caste system and its overpopulation both of which are still holding it back today.

Overpopulation really isn't a thing - there's only overpopulation of those with IQs too low to enable innovation to keep up with population levels.

In my opinion, Hinduism is too other-worldly, such as wasting time sitting under a lotus tree seeking enlightenment. Gurus taking advantage of the naive. Gods and goddesses morphing into other gods by the hundreds. I just don't get it. Nice festivals, though.

It was extremely useful for the ruling elites, because it said that anyone born into privilege deserved it by being virtuous in a previous life, while anyone born into misery in this life also deserved by having been evil in a previous life.

At least Christianity, while it often upheld hierarchy as divinely sanctioned, also affirmed that even an emperor was born guilty of original sin.

Hinduism enabled pure contempt for the lower orders and pure arrogance by, and groveling subservience to, the elites.



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