Le Gall #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut henrymakow.com
The militant homosexual discourse, both right and left, advances the elimination of nations by identifying gays with the One World Order. LGBT are strongly involved in undermining the notion of family, homeland, and the roots of Christianity....
Gay activism is a puppet of Jewish lobbies and Freemasons. The formula is mathematical; the stronger Jews and FM lobbies are, the stronger the gay lobby, and the promotion of bisexuality, feminist ideology, abortion, immigration and so on. In other words, the stronger the attack on societal health and cohesion.
It is really a war against civilization, as anti-Christian as it is anti-Islamic. Religion is a natural obstacle to a New World Order. LGBT activism, especially leftist, is part of this agenda.
The flood of pornography stuns the masses, makes them more animal and thus more malleable. Note also the infantilism or arrested development that strikes many young gays who are very sensitive to the lure of consumer society.
A sick overvaluation of youth and and fear of old age and death, contaminates all of civilization.
The LGBT movement, supposedly a liberating agent is extremely harmful to traditional cultures. While some have managed to seamlessly integrate the homo-or transsexuality (Thailand etc..) others have rejected it.
Gay activists therefore have the task of creating a sub-masonry, a new branch lobby. Note that any dark sexuality, including sadomasochism, is also honored. All the Hollywood stars are gay-friendly. It's a scandal if a celebrity reveals a different opinion or criticizes homosexuality. Any artistic or political career may suffer or be destroyed. There is a new Stalinism of political correctness, and part of this Stalinism, a pink or rainbow politburo. The former victims are the new executioners.