This verse from the Book of Enoch refutes evolution and genetic change of the species.
Behold ye the earth, and give heed to the things which take place upon it from first to last, how steadfast they are, how none of the things upon earth change, but all the works of God appear to you. Enoch 2:2
No, reality refutes the Books of Enoch - as Heraclit said, the only constant is change.
And what a boring world that would be.
By the way, normally, you idiots at least use a book that has wider acceptance than just Ethopia.
Scripture says the sky is solid.
The Earth is flat.
The sun gets the night off and sleeps in a little doghouse.
‘Scuse me if i don’t exactly see any conflict with the Bible being a decision for the Bible’s side.
If I were a upper fundie then I wouldn’t use books outside the canon of my own denomination, to begin with, so apart if you belong to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church then good luck for logically justifying this.
And, second, I think biological and archaeological evidence beat a theological and religious book.
Materials are refined and decay.
Goods are manifactured and destroyed.
Beings are conceived, born, grow, age and die.
Society shifts in its values and costoms.
Technologies are invented and developed.
Civilisations rise and fall.
Riverbeds and shorelines shift, leading to once great cities having been abandoned to the desert and old ports now lying a good way inland.
Weather patterns are different than they once were.
The frequencies of traits in population vary according to external pressures, such as many elefants now being born without tusks due to ivory poaching.
Mountain ranges are lifted up and erode.
Even the continents move, slowly but measurably.
So how can you believe that no thing on Earth changes?
the Book of Enoch refutes evolution and genetic change of the species
how none of the things upon earth change, but all the works of God appear to you
(*E-knock on Arsole Call's head *)
According to that Turd... er, I mean Word of your 'God', insects have just four legs. Count 'em:
the Book of Enoch
Not Enoch’s Two Letters?
That's nice, I'll have to get my hands on a copy of it. You know, those primate hands with the simian opposable thumbs.
I would say that is more evidence than any book.
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