Carthimundia & Calidris #transphobia

RE: Trans ideology has entirely warped the concept of bisexuality

( Calidris )
Bisexuality doesn't actually exist in the transgender ideology framework, no? They literally don't believe in biological sex so every human has to be attracted to both sexes because in their world you're only attracted to the gender soul which is obviously invisible. So what it comes down to is clothes and accessories, or how they call it "gender expression". So in their logic a straight woman is a kind of bisexual because she'd be attracted to men and AMAB non binaries. Two genders, so bisexual. Even though they're the same sex but they wear slightly clothing!

But if attraction to imaginary gender souls is okay and good why can't attraction to sexed bodies be good? Well because if women have their way, men don't get their dicks as wet. That's it, that's the whole reason behind it, dry dicks that want to be wet.

( Carthimundia )
Yes, what I’ve come to realise is bisexuality is essentially destroyed in the gender paradigm. Young people are now saying the word “bisexual” is an old fashioned term that is kept because of history, but if you actually say you are attracted to both sexes you are a bigot and wrong. So they keep the word but not its essence.

There does seem to be a bit of tension about what bisexuality actually is- the hearts over parts view, or the more than one gender view. Both are fundamentally in tension but doesn’t seem to bother genderists.

And you’re exactly right, technically speaking a straight woman should be attracted to all men so “trans men” and “cis men”. Perhaps also non binary or gender fluid males. I haven’t heard any concept of someone just attracted to “cis” people , outside of super straight memes.

It shouldn’t bother anyone that I want to define my own sexuality as attraction to males and females but this is deeply threatening to genderists …



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