Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Western Civilization has long been under attack by its own intellectuals and professors. Is there anything left of it?

I defend Western Civilization, but Is there any civilization left to defend when the leaders of Western governments endorse Genocide not only of the Palestinians but of their own white ethnicities and brand criticism of Palestinian Genocide as anti-semitism and criticism of white replacement as a hate crime? Even Donald Trump, whose own right to speak is being throttled, wants to deport those who protest Israel’s Palestinian Genocide. The question increasingly before me is: Is there anything left of the West to defend? How can we make America Great Again when there is nothing left with which to work? Even the leader who wants to make us great again opposes free speech. How can he possibly take the oath of office to defend the Constitution?
I defend Christianity. Yet, Christian evangelicals and Christian Zionists support genocide.

Western morality has been inverted. We now live in moral inversion. How can the indefensible be defended?
How is it that we can defend Israel but not our own whiteness? Why does Israel have a right to exist, but not white ethnic nations?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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