Vasily Nebenzya #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, has said that the Russian occupiers allegedly discovered drones in Ukraine that can "spread mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses." [in his] speech at a session of the UN Security Council.

the Russian diplomat claimed that in March, Russian troops who were stationed in Kherson Oblast discovered "three drones equipped with 30-litre containers that can be used to spray biologically active substances".

He said that the United States had patented a drone capable of spreading mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses.

"According to the description, such a drone transports a container with a large number of mosquitoes, the carriers of infections, to a targeted area and releases them.

While biting, mosquitoes infect people with pathogens of particularly dangerous diseases. The explanation directly emphasises that an infected serviceman will be unable to perform the tasks assigned to him, to conclude "the disease can be a more valuable military tool than the most modern weapons and military equipment."

It is noted that "such an infection among enemy servicemen would have a significant military effect".



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