The reprobate below is leading the charge against Christians. He set out on a one-man mission to berate, persecute and demean an elderly lady that was praying silently and women and children who were silently and peacefully protesting abortion. To reiterate the point, he's primarily focused on targeting, harassing, stalking, threatening and doxing Christian senior citizens, women and children. We need to send a loud, united message that this will not be tolerated.
image (Screenshot of a news article from Gay Star News titled “Brian Sims helps introduce new anti-discrimination bill in Pennsylvania”. The word “anti-discrimination” is crudely underlined in red, and a red arrow points towards it. On the other end of the arrow, written white on red: “How about you stop hating on Christians, @briansimspa???”)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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