If your response to the SCOTUS news is to dust off your stupid pink hat from 2016 and go march to support infanticide, re-evaluate your entire life.
Reba Lonetuber (after Roe vs Wade has been overturned, faces multiple hypocrisy accusations after the revelation she recently snuck off to Canada to have an abortion): “I meant that abortion is infanticide if the abortion seeker is someone OTHER THAN ME , you MORONS !!!”
...and unless you're protesting outside every 'Pro-Life' church demanding that their 'God' be executed for Murder, War Crimes & Abortion in Hosea 13:16, you need to re-evaluate your entire 'Belie fs', Buboe.
What a tawdry little propagandist Boebert is, calling abortion infanticide. Although, I admit, she's dumb enough to not know the actual meaning of the two words.
You’re a mouthpiece for a conspiracy group that was willing to commit murder when you had to wear a mask outside so you wouldn’t inadvertently spread the plague. Something that thanks to your fucking conspiracy peddling makes North America the new Africa where that disease is concerned. Not surprising considering disinformation is EXACTLY why AIDS is as bad as it is in Africa.
But when you lose an actual right paving the way for others to be similarly subverted for often religious reasons despite that being explicitly unconstitutional? Meh, quit whining ya baby and have that baby even if it kills you. Which in the United States of America is a lot more likely than you think. Your right to vote’s getting some funny looks these days already lady, almost as bad as the right to vote for anyone that doesn’t have your particular levels of melanin are.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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