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It’s my feeling that the more spiritually awake you become, the less significance you put on ritualized holidays.
Intent always matters most. There’s nothing wrong with Christmas. For those who are seeking deeper truths, keep reading.

Many Christians are still unaware that the first “Christian” Emperor, Constantine, had more influence on Christian doctrine than Jesus.

Constatine decided which scriptures to keep and omit and decided which day to celebrate Jesus’s birth. The idea that blood rituals cleanse sins were his beliefs, not Jesus’s.

In 274 AD, the Roman Empire declared December 25 a holiday to celebrate the birth of the sun god, Sol Invictus.

Constantine worshiped Sol Invictus and used Jesus’s growing popularity to hide his own beliefs and push a pagan blood ritual to the masses.

The ‘sun god’ represents “Lucifer”, and the ‘storm god’ represents his father, “S***n”. These are 2 entities who pretended to be on opposite sides to trick humans, Oppisheklio and Pidkozox.

Worship of these gods was done with animal and human s********s. The act of ritualistic blood s*******e invites demonic possession. This is the origin of rituals involving the ‘son’ who is sacrificed to the ‘father’.

Constantine created statues in his own likeness because he was possessed by the sun god, Lucifer-Oppisheklio. Pleiadians call him Earth’s greatest deceiver.
According to Pleiadians, Jesus’s soul origin is the Pleiades and his name is SANANDA. He was born naturally as all other human ‘starseeds’.

His mother Mary’s soul origin is the Pleiades and her name is SHEEMOSA. His father Joseph’s soul origin is Arcturus and his soul name is OUPEA.

The actual date of Jesus’s birth is September 8.

When people saw stars moving in the sky (star of Bethlehem) they were seeing Galactic Federation crafts.

Many messengers have come. The more powerful the message the more it’s twisted. On Christmas, remember the teacher who taught that God is only found within us.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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