Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

Survivors from the Megalithic Anunnaki builders of Armenia—Ninurta’s fief–as well as, long-headed survivors who migrated to Sumer (which was then the “Land of 4 Rivers”). From Polish, Carpathian and Belarus mountains north of Sumer flood refugees joined Enki and Ninurta to create Sumer.
The Anunnaki priesthood and the refugees they gathered built Sumer atop deeply buried ruins of earlier temples (dated to 220,946 BCE) they’d been built before the flood. The earlier temples had then covered by mud in the flood of 13,000 years ago (of which Enki wrote in 2024 BCE).
Later, but still before the Noah’s flood, Anunnaki teachers built a huge temple at Gobekli Tepe and scores of similar spiritual centers all over the Earth. They located successive temples they built in new positions to maintain the new temples alignment with 5 stars in the belt of the constellation Orion and to conduct spiritual communion with Orion.
Then around 3000 BCE, Armenians rallied around Hayk (Hayk refers to a person (the Armenian Ruler), a people (Armenians), and a constellation (Orion). From this point forward these Indo-European people became collectively known as Armenians. They referred to themselves as ‘People of Orion.’
Skeletons of these tall white Anunnaki are found all over the world but are destroyed in many places by local Catholic Priests and secular authorities.
The Shining Ones were a priestly class that lived among but remained distinct from the locals whom they educated.
After climate and meteorite-induced disasters, the Shining Ones re-educated and settled surviving locals in each of the lands they re-settled. This Anunnaki priesthood built observatories–beehive-like observatory-meditation chambers. These chambers were buildings and horned barrows, sometimes constructed with chemically-bonded stone reconstituted with chemically- bonded (not aggregate concrete) remade stones.
The Anunnaki built the observatories on crossings of Earth’s telluric lines.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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