[Comments under "Has diversity failed?"]
Clearly it has. There isn't one country on earth that's better off as a result of increased diversity. The European social democracies were utopias, now the safety nets are running dry and crime is going up. It's a tragedy really.
Reply from oispa:
You will have to forgive me because I am a skeptic of humanity. There are no Utopias; however, Western Europe before the revolutions and before diversity was the best that humanity has ever had it, and the most productive segment of humanity with the greatest degree of genius. That is what attracted the parasites to it, like international financiers, Mongols, Muslims, scheming Eastern Europeans, wops, and Jews.
Western Europe before the revolutions and before diversity was the best that humanity has ever had it
This is absolutely right!
If you were one of the top 0,01% of nobility and were free to piss on the world, then yes, it was the best that humanity had ever had it. But if you were one of the 99,99% who got pissed on, lived from day to day, hand to mouth, without any possessions, no rights, no freedom, no security except faith in a distant, non-responsive God, then not so much.
I forgot to put Lord2ndHokage to the Fundies list.
Western Europe before the revolutions and before diversity was the best that humanity has ever had it
Apart from the numerous foreign and civil wars, the general oppressive structures and the low standards of living?
Has diversity failed?"
Clearly it has. There isn't one country on earth that's better off as a result of increased diversity
America must therefore be worse off then, by your own logic:
Because the C-in-C of the above US Marines has given them the responsibility of opening the doors of the Blackhawk Marine One - and therefore the security of it's occupant - to this black man & woman .
Question: Is Donald Fart wrong in this open display of diversity? To these in particular being two of the 'Few Good People '...?!
You know what you'll therefore be admitting if your answer is the one we'd expect, o OPs...!
But diversity gave us barbeque, tacos, corn, pumpkin, tomatoes, and spices. And even regular dishes like a pot roast or corn beef wouldn't exist if we didn't have immigrants from all over the world coming to the USA. And I'm not even getting into the diversity of the individual European countries either.
But diversity gave us barbeque, tacos, corn, pumpkin, tomatoes, and spices. And even regular dishes like a pot roast or corn beef wouldn't exist if we didn't have immigrants from all over the world coming to the USA.
oispa: “Alright! But apart from barbeque, tacos, corn, pumpkin, tomatoes, spices, pot roast and corn beef, WHAT HAS DIVERSITY EVER DONE FOR US??”
@Dr.Weird #21042
Actually now that I notice the handle and have a moment to think about just how many levels of hypocrisy there are to that simple detail I really have to laugh. Anime, as you pointed out, is available to North America because of multiculturalism and is entertaining to us precisely because its conventions are different to the norms of our own entertainment. Beyond mere novelty it changed how we think about animation as a storytelling medium and how we present entertainment altogether. Story structure and narrative perspectives, how characters developed, and by taking elements of those stories and incorporating them into our own works we make new stories of our own improving on our own tools and techniques. The most basic benefits of multiculturalism in a nutshell.
Also I could be wrong but wasn’t the second Hokage all about uniting disparate clans for the sake of political stability? Multiculturalism, in other words? And wasn’t Konoha constantly undermined and threatened by a certain clan that believed as they were among the founders of the village they were above everyone else who were tools at best or else didn’t even deserve the “honour” of subservience? Basically, people like the OP?
These kinds of people lack self-awareness but this is just a bit on the nose when you look at it from my point of view.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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