Lord2ndHokage and oispa #racist reddit.com

[Comments under "Has diversity failed?"]


Clearly it has. There isn't one country on earth that's better off as a result of increased diversity. The European social democracies were utopias, now the safety nets are running dry and crime is going up. It's a tragedy really.

Reply from oispa:

You will have to forgive me because I am a skeptic of humanity. There are no Utopias; however, Western Europe before the revolutions and before diversity was the best that humanity has ever had it, and the most productive segment of humanity with the greatest degree of genius. That is what attracted the parasites to it, like international financiers, Mongols, Muslims, scheming Eastern Europeans, wops, and Jews.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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