Some children really should be abused.
I look around, and I see kids/teens who are completely undeserving of living a decent life. They are stupid, ugly, awkward, and just plain wastes of space. It saddens me that there are good, normal children who are constantly abused or killed in some third-world shit hole everyday, and then you have these fucked-up retard brats in the west who are loved by their parents and indulged---only to grow up to say they identify as a plantsexual or some other tumblr bullshit. Why can't fucktards like them get beaten everyday?
Please be Poe-Leather!!
“Why can't fucktards like them get beaten everyday?”
Why can’t fucktards like you? Each time you get a thought about socially controlling/enforcing yourself on anyone else, you’d get a smack upside your chucklefuck head, how about that?
Sudden-Leather really should be abused.
...what's that you say, Sudden-Realisation? It's different for you? Oh, I'm afraid that because of your way of thinking , it means that you must take what you think must be dished out.
If you can't take it, you don't have the right to think the way you do.
Also, Laws. For if you being abused is Assault: and therefore illegal, ergo...!
OK. Some kids really do need a hard slap, and I won’t be swayed on that.
But not for being “stupid, ugly, awkward, and just plain wastes of space”. That’s why I WTFd this.
Who died and made you ruler of who deserves life?
Perhaps YOU ought to have been abused...
Most kids are awkward and stupid. That’s because they are immature. Once their brains has fully developed, around 25-30, then they will be much less awkward and stupid.
You are free to adopt one or many of these “good, normal children” from shit-holes (as long as you fulfill the requirements). Put your money where your mouth is, and at least donate to Plan, Save the Children, or UNHCR, or become a sponsor to one or more of them.
Being beaten everyday does not make you more or less “plantsexual”, dingbat.
About 5-10 percent of the population is homosexual, and less than 5 percent is transgender. It can’t be a big problem in your personal life, really. The only fucked-up retard brat I see is you! Live and let live, dolt.
I sense the pungent stench of edgelord. The thought that this is merely a giggling idiot whose sole purpose for getting up out of bed is to act as the internet’s mildew, growing on forums to leech off the thought and emotion of people who have things they actually care about while offending as many senses and sensibilities as possible because it’s the only thing that keeps their own sense of utter worthlessness at bay and being hated at least means they matter to someone does blunt the blinding homicidal rage that child abuse advocates tend to evoke from me. Somewhat.
But the thing is getting mad at this loser might give them the idea that their existence can amount to something if they just stay the course instead of growing up. It would just be cruel to give them false hope and reinforce their bad choices.
They are beaten on a regular basis by their parents and peers. They’re frequently rendered suicidal.
But by all means, continue with your bullshit, facts-deprived narrative. Fuckwit.
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