Wylie Marshall #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut newswithviews.com

In my last article, I explained how God had made promises to Abraham and promised that two great and powerful nations would arise from Abraham’s seed. The first would become a multitude of nations that would spread over the entire world. That nation would be the British Empire. The second would become a great single nation that would become the most powerful nation the world has ever seen and would bless the rest of the world with her wealth and the ability to feed the world, which she has demonstrated several times. That nation would be The United States of America!
After God scattered the House of Israel, which Ephraim and Manasseh were a part, Ephraim and Manasseh settled in what was to become the British Isles.It was from these Isles that the nations of The British Commonwealth and the United States of America sprang, from these two brothers.

God made those birthright promises to Abraham, and He had to keep His promises, but God never said that those nations would always remain if they did not obey His word! We can see very clearly that the British Empire has almost disappeared, and her government is corrupt, her commonwealth nations of New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada, (Hong Kong has been swallowed up by China), India, and most of the rest have become puppet run concentration camps. The United States of America has become rotten from within with corruption so bad that she has an odor that stinks to high heaven! The only reason that she has not become a puppet run concentration camp is because the people are still armed!
wonderful country came from and now you can see what is happening to it. It is disintegrating! The entire world is disintegrating because that is Satan’s plan! We are letting Satan bring about his destruction upon the world because we live in a world of sin and do not even know it!!! Why don’t we know it? Because we have discarded the only instruction book for living that was ever given to us! The Holy Bible!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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