various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
You know, my entire life I'd always discouraged shoplifting because it's not what White people do.

However, given how anti-White all these big corporations are, I'm not going to stop anyone from robbing them blind.

Just don't steal from privately owned stores owned and operated by White people.

@Nature_and_Race Normalize shoplifting from Walmart on principle.

( @MeinBlutIstMeineKraft )
@Nature_and_Race Whites should do what we can to tear down the pillars of the enemy system.

( @Zealous_Apostle )
@Nature_and_Race Any 'crime' against anti-whites is a heroic act. No exceptions. Just don't get caught.

( @Screw_Your_Optics )
@Nature_and_Race Thats how I've started to see things too. They want to starve Whites out, freeze us out. Doing what we need to survive in this post WW2 world isn't wrong.

( @ha_ha_ha_ha_rofl )
@Nature_and_Race Turn about is fair play.

Those unwilling to do what needs be done or those condemning those that do what works are showing an unwillingness to win in a war that seeks to erase them and theirs.

Hopefully those who are White understand not hurting their own.

( @Pratgioln )
@Nature_and_Race Whites are the geese that lay the golden eggs. Without Whites there can be no high trust civilization or markets. Theft from Whites is wrong but raiding woke corporations is heroic. Capitalism is just a game and rules are for gullible goy.

( @BrotherLou )
@Nature_and_Race All shoplifters of privately owned businesses deserve a free gift.... small pieces of metal traveling at high velocity.

( @CajunCatDaddy )
@Nature_and_Race If I lived in a place where shoplifting up to $900 was allowed, I would steal from anti-white corporations all the time. Fuck Target and their tranny and fag propaganda. Fuck Wal-Mart and their anti-white propaganda.

( @WinBackTheWest )
@Nature_and_Race I wouldn't advise people risk an encounter and arrest by the ZOGbots over a tube of toothpaste from Wal-Mart.

Siphoning gas from some shitskins or something is far more useful, you're fucking over non-Whites directly, and less likely to get caught.



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