incelerated #sexist

RE: Blackpill GettingSexPill: Women admits they can get sex anytime they want. Still ungrateful.

Foids 50 years from now:
"Yes I can get 10/10 sex whenever I want from my government assigned male sex slaves, and my salary is 4 times my husband's salary to compensate for male privileges, and my boyfriend has bought me a new car but its color is not the shade I told him. My boyfriends keep buying me cars with the wrong colors and I have to pretend that I like them. Men don't even put the effort to learn color shades. It's disgusting."

TL;DR: Give a foid the world and she will still complain.
Also female orgasm and "being good as sex" is just a filthy feminist myth. Foids are evolved for reproduction. If they enjoy the sex then good for them, if not, it's not the male's fault that evolution didn't give a fuck about their pleasure.



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